Selling a Property - Instant Quote
Victoria Wide Conveyancing Only
It's a BIG step when selling property!
We WANT to help you.
We WANT to make it easy for you.
Our Easy Online Process makes a busy life just that bit more simple.
Thanks for your inquiry. We have a brand-new pricing structure in place in the interest of transparency.
Normally we charge $699, but as a promotional special for a limited time, we are offering $99 off our normal professional fee!
Starting at only $600 for our professional fees for the sale of a property. A majority of our account is payable upon settlement; however, a small part deposit is payable at the start.
Therefore, our professional fee with GST is $660.
Professional fee, plus a title search and attendance at settlement. (i.e. fee plus search and disbursement)
Standard contracts of sale depend upon search costs. Hence the best price and highest estimates are below, so you know what to expect.
From Start to Finish Estimate
House (existing), Vacant Land, Units/Flats/Townhouses:
Based on Professional fee of $600 (ex gst)
+ Title Search (from details provided by you) $55
+ Our settlement attendance fee $150
+ Banking on settlement x1 $50
+ Title encumbrance (possible) i.e. Covenant or Caveat (if applicable)
= $999 estimated all up on settlement.
It depends on the searches we need to order to complete your Contract and Section 32, some are lower, some are higher depending on your situation. We will strive to achieve the 'best price' for you!
If an owners corporation (aka Body Corporate) is involved?
Add $200+ on average to the above estimate ex gst. Higher if urgent certificate is requested.
Going to Auction?
You will have a choice of adding Auction Certificates to your contract. Not compulsory, an option.
If you instruct to add any from a list we will give you, that list will have the additional pricing on it.
You can consult your agent in that regard as well.
Possible other costs not included (Only if applicable):
Attendance to removal of any caveat or other restriction on title
Trust account use
Verification of identity
Any lenders charges
Any settlement portal related charges
Any other additional work you instruct, or required, as the case may be
Any existing client of ours can receive a discount on our professional fee on settlement upon request.
Part Payment
We will require a part deposit prior to the Contract and Section 32 being finalised. Details in our initial documentation.
If you don’t sell or take the property off the market, we won’t charge you any more apart from the deposit paid!You may have a verification of identity charge to pay at the start as well. The titles office now requires a 100-point ID check upon engagement for all person/s listed on title and or acting under e.g. a power of attorney.
Our estimate is based on a straight forward no additional work transaction.
Getting started - I am ready to sell my property!
Simply fill in the below details so we can get started on your contract & section 32 statement by sending out a property questionnaire to you. You will then complete it and email back us. Simple and easy.
Javascript is required for form submission.
I confirm that by sending this email or form I am instructing you to act on my/our behalf. I acknowledge the quote supplied on this site will apply to me and that confirmation in writing will be forwarded to me with my initial paperwork which will be sent shortly after the contract has been received by your office.
No law says you must have ‘auction certificates’. However, we strongly recommend their consideration.
Potential buyers don't have the luxury of a 3-day cooling-off period or buying subject to finance when they buy your property at auction. Potential buyers have been suspicious if extra information is not contained in an 'auction contract'. They may ask, 'What is the vendor hiding?' For auctions, we have seen buyers pull out of bidding because of this.
To avoid losing potential buyers for an auction scenario, we suggest paying around $120 - $300 worth of additional search certificates/information, that we can add to your contract.
For non-auction contracts, it's always optional if more certificate/search information is to be added.
Generally, it’s not required in a lot of non-auction scenarios.
Fine Print
Initial instructions to you along with a checklist about your property so we can accurately prepare your contract and section 32 statement.
One contract of sale prepared, or if going to auction, an auction contract prepared (This contract can be used to take pre-auction offers and/or post-auction offers to buy your property).
One section 32 statement prepared.
Quick turnaround times.
Transmission of your contract and section 32 to your agent and you, via email.
SOLD - Once your property has sold, we will then do the following for you.
Notify any lender involved (per their requirements).
Prepare after-sale documentation and forward it to you.
Prepare for settlement checking adjustments and so forth.
Prepare final letters for you on request.
Prepare disposition notices to notify any relevant authorities involved, e.g. Council & Water and/or owners corporation.
This covers, on average, most scenarios for the sale of a house, land, or an apartment. Commercial or industrial properties may have other additional costs involved depending on the scenario. E.g. Trust notifications and/or land tax certificates to be added to the section 32.
We know that the price is important, so what is not included? We can only suggest being sceptical of anyone offering a ‘fixed’ price, as due to the nature of conveyancing work, we find it difficult to believe anyone can offer a truly fixed price. Therefore, our starting prices and estimates of work are all set out so there is no confusion.
Search included in our estimated final cost
Searches entail ordering information to complete your section 32 statement. We charge the cost of the certificate plus our margin. Fair - A title search is included in our ‘expected estimated final cost’. If we need something else, you will have that opportunity to advise us on our initial documents to you.
Disbursements are included in our estimated final cost
This could relate to any type of government charge or fee. Our electronic settlement fee typically costs $150.
Additional Work if Required or Requested
Because we know it is so important to get ‘Contracts of Sale’ that incorporate a ‘Section 32 statement’ completed quickly, we work fast to achieve this aim. This will enable you or a Real Estate Agent to be able to sign up a prospective buyer!
For a straightforward sale of a house or land, we don’t envisage any additional work being done or required.
If you want or need additional work done outside of this quote, we charge on a time basis at a rate of $9 per minute charged in 15-minute blocks or their part of. Basically, once we have the information we supply to you returned, we can convert that information into a Contract of Sale and Section 32. The quicker you reply, the quicker we can act.
About Us
We are fully licenced, hold professional indemnity insurance, and have a retained solicitor. We have several people in our office to assist with your transaction. This means better service for you and no waiting for return phone calls.
We can do all the legal work associated with conveyancing and give legal advice (limited to conveyancing work only).
We operate a state government-approved trust account.
We strive to take the time to ensure everything is as per your instructions and completed professionally.
Should you not be happy with our terms and conditions, you can inform us not to continue at that point in time.
Best of all, you may never need to come to us, as we can generally do everything via email.
Good luck on your sale. We trust that we can assist you!
Kind Regards
Mr Ashley Clarke
Licensed Conveyancer by the Victorian Government
Certified Practicing Conveyancer
Dip. Fin. Ser. (Conveyancing)
Phone: 03 9210 2188 for friendly staff assistance.
Quick link here for 24/7 email assistance!
A general enquiry via email - click on this link
Another link to providing your details for us - YES I want to ENGAGE YOU for the Sale of my Property”